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Using SEL Skills to Reinspire and Build Resiliency in the Age of COVID-19

60 Minutes

After almost a full year of remote learning, with the country reopening and the school year winding down, it’s time to reflect, rebuild, and reinspire. How can we as teachers, parents, and caregivers use social-emotional learning (SEL) skills to foster resiliency in an elementary digital classroom? How can we empower learning during the summer and fall, whether the learning is in person, remote, or hybrid?

In this edWebinar, learn the five competencies of SEL and discover practices and strategies that can be incorporated over time to strengthen students’ resiliency whether in person, online or in a hybrid environment. Learning objectives include:

  • Learn the CASEL researched-based SEL framework
  • Examine the effects trauma or anxiety have on remote learning
  • Examine what effects trauma or anxiety have on SEL skills at the elementary level
  • Learn how SEL practices can be used to foster resiliency

This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to teachers, school and district leaders, and science curriculum directors, coaches, and department chairs of the kindergarten through elementary levels.

About the Presenter

Bernadine Okoro is a chemical engineer by training who went from interacting with patents and biotechnology to the K-12 classroom. A 12-year science educator and Albert Einstein Distinguished Fellow, Bernadine was one of the original authors of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). As a member of the Diversity and Equity Team, she focused on standards learning for alternative education and community schools. She now integrates social-emotional learning (SEL) practices and brain-based learning techniques into the NGSS as a pathway to support underserved groups from elementary school to adult education through professional development instruction.